Woke up, got outside, and took this
shot , as a reminder of beautiful downtown
Only drove around 720 miles today, which is fairly pathetic. In retrospect, I don't know why we covered so little ground. The plan was to get to Memphis, TN, 100 miles further than we got. I know why we stopped: pure, unbridled exhaustion. I'm just not certain why the 700 miles took so long.
There was the stop for dinner in Amarillo, TX for some all-you-can-eat barbecue, served 'family-style'. They'd bring out these serving plates of food, which we split up as we saw fit: pork ribs, roast loin of pork, and this beef brisket that had been cooked for weeks (or so it seemed). The meat was served dry, with a tangy, sweet barbecue sauce on the side, which seemed dialed-in for the beef. Real good eatin' - the beef kicked ass.
That was really about all that happened this day - sure, we'd stop every two or three hours to get more beverages (and dispose of 'used' beverage), and I'd grab something from one (or both) of the two Road Food Groups: the Sugar group, and the Dried-or-Pickled Meat group.
On the road, Leslie kept John and myself entertained by reading to us from various 'chick' magazines (Cosmo, and god-only-knows what else). We had a great deal of fun with the quizzes, ("Are You a Bitch? Here's How To Find Out!"), articles ("What Does Your Man Really Want?"), and horoscopes (Apparently I'm supposed to use my 'god-given booty', John's needs to buy a pair of handcuffs, and they recommend that Leslie serve dinner dressed as Lady Godiva. Or something like that.)